Thursday, June 9, 2011


Teapot 1, © Jennifer Peters  5"x7" pen and watercolor

Teapot 2, © 2011 Jennifer Peters  5"x7" pen and watercolor

Today is the day for teapots.
I love white objects.

It is officially summer vacation for us and we already have our around the house projects underway!
Now the challenge is not letting these projects keep me from working in my studio. 
I have so many creative projects in mind that I am very motivated to get the household jobs finished. 
This should be a fun summer!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Moose 1
© 2010 Jennifer Peters
pen and watercolor on watercolor paper

Moose 2
© 2011 Jennifer Peters
Artists Pen on Bristol Vellum

Two more of my recent masterpieces!
Moose are one of my favorite animals. There's something about their massive size and the way they wander around as if they own the area they are in that I am intrigued by.